Styria rejoices: “Oh, Lucky Day”

September 14, 2022
Corporate News | Lucky Day
Two players from the region of Styria have put the slogan “pick your lucky date” into practice... successfully.

On Saturday, August 6, for the first time in Lucky Day’s two-and-a-half-year history, a player from Styria won the maximum possible prize of 250,000 euros. There’s a saying in the German language: “Schwein gehabt.” Literally translated, it means someone “had a pig”, but what it actually means is that someone got lucky. And that’s exactly what happened here – the symbol (chosen at random) happened to be a pig, and on top of that, the date picked by the player matched the result of the draw. As a result of this win, other players in the region became more interested. On Sunday, September 11, another player from Styria gave it a go and won the main prize – again – with a stake of a mere 5 euros. 

Since the launch of “Lucky Day” in April of 2019, this game has already resulted in 19 prizes of 100,000 euros or more. Each federal state in Austria has been represented with at least one win, with Vienna leading the way with a total of five top prizes. 

By the way, if you don’t want to get too involved in picking those special numbers, you can always try your luck with a quick pick. Draws take place daily at 6:40 pm. 

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